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Advertise on the Best Male Onlyfans Directory

Advertising on MyFanMale is completely free always. However for the best visibility at the top of the list of guys, you can purchase Platinum. This will give your profile enhanced traffic and features.


  • Direct Icon link to Onlyfans Page
  • Personal Profile Page including Trailers, Image gallery and more information
  • Inlcusion in Promotion of MyFanMale newsletter to over 7500 subscribers. 

$49/30 Days (Non Recurring) 

All Platinum models can also sell their content directly via our Store.

Services Provided by Our Partners at Upscale Digital Marketing:

At Upscale we believe in creating high quality content. Too often the content produced doesn’t do justice to the creators. By using professional cameras and good quality lighting we endeavour to create high quality content. With our help you can take your content to the next level and justify the $$$ you want customers to pay. 

Our rates for Content Shoots include:

  • Filming: (including equipment, lighting, specific technology appropriate to the concept such as drones, gambles and tracking drones)
  • Editing:  Full Editing of all content produced including trailers and short form extraction from the finished long form content. 
Optional services: Hair & Makeup etc are also available. 

3 Hour Shoot $499

8 Hour Shoot $999


While Long-form content is often the product sold to customers, its the short form content that generates traffic, and in turn sales. For some creators this can be a huge stumbling block, we can also help with recycling old content or creating entirely new short form content to be used in generating traffic for your Buisness. 




Upscale Digital Marketing – in Partnership with MyFanMale.com

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